Hello there 🙂 I just wanted to let you all know I am now offering consultation service’s for those looking for personal one on one help with a specific camera, lens, gimbal, lighting, photography, video, etc…
To be more specific this is a one on one face to face video chat to help get you and your skills where you want them to be!
Depending on your specific needs I can use my studio to demonstrate for you, and so fourth… I’m currently offering 30 minute slots for a few hours on the weekends for scheduling, but that is likely to change depending on how this goes.
I’m using a service called Superpeer which is a turn key solution to organizing these calls and it’s pretty awesome for that purpose I am finding. I’ve done several one on one calls so far and all of them have worked out great so far in my opinion.
To give you an idea, one call was working on balancing a gimbal as that can be very difficult the first few times. Another call was setting up an FX3 for a filming in the best quality, and another was setting up an A7C for a studio environment with a fairly advanced streaming set-up… Not only were these calls super helpful to the people that signed up, it was great to get to meet you all and make friends 🙂
In any event, if this is something that sounds interesting to you, by all means check it out as I’m here to help! In addition please feel free to ask questions if you have them, and all the best, Jay